In the Trenches

Dave and Bob

As this morning dawns, I’m finishing my first night back at Kitt Peak National Observatory after taking some time off for Bubonicon in Albuquerque and WorldCon in San Antonio. Both conventions were great. Between the two, I got to catch up with many friends and colleagues, and made many new acquaintances. In the photo, you see me with Bob Vardeman, creator of the Empires of Steam and Rust series. He’s encouraging me to write a follow-up to my Revolution of Air and Rust, which I’d very much enjoy.

Just as this convention season kicked off, I received the first round of edits for my latest wild west steampunk novel, Lightning Wolves. My editor is Phyllis Irene Radford, who edited the Gears and Levers anthologies for Sky Warrior Publishing. I’ve been working my way through a new draft based on her notes.

While thinking of Sky Warrior publishing, allow me to share a great writing opportunity. They are assembling an anthology called These Vampires Don’t Sparkle, which is edited by the talented Carol Hightshoe. I sent in a submission. For those who would like to submit, the guidelines are at:

Another thing that happened just as the convention season kicked off was that one of my publishers approached me with a proposal for a new book series. It’s too early to say much about this, but I did work up a detailed outline for the first book while I was in San Antonio and I’ve discussed it with my publisher, who seems enthusiastic. What I can tell you is that if this series goes forward, and it seems likely, is that it will include terror, ghosts, southwestern lore, and even some astronomy. Stay tuned!

In addition to writing, I’m also finishing up Tales of the Talisman volume 9, issue 1. The last illustration was turned in tonight and I’m in the throes of proofreading. The issue will be going to press by the week of September 22. Once that’s printing, I’ll be moving right into issues 2 and 3.

The Alamo

Of course, while I was in San Antonio, I had to visit the Alamo. I’m distantly related to Davy Crockett, and it was moving to see where he made his last stand. With all that’s going on in my life, it’s hard not to feel a little like a soldier in the trenches. However, I feel like I’m a long way from any last stands. This seems like a good juncture to say thanks to all those readers who have joined me on the ride so far. I hope you’re looking forward to what comes next as much as I am!

2 comments on “In the Trenches

  1. CEE says:

    Dear David,

    Shameless Plug.
    I’d rather have the lineage…but, I guess unfulfillable longing’s okay.

    Best at ya,


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