Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024

Next weekend, I’m excited to return to Phoenix Fan Fusion in Arizona, which will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center from Friday, May 24 through Sunday, May 26. Phoenix Fan Fusion is a multi-genre pop-culture convention featuring actors, artists, authors, Among the actor guests are Dick Van Dyke, Alan Tudyk who played Wash on Firefly, Gina Torres who played Zoe on Firefly, Shamiek Moore who voices Miles Morales in the Spiderverse movies, and Grey DeLisle who has voiced Daphne in Scooby-Doo. Among the authors who will be at the convention are Michael Stackpole author of numerous Star Wars novels, David Mack author of numerous Star Trek novels, and Robin Hobb best known for her Realm of the Elderlings series. You can get more information about the convention at

I will be joining the Artisans of Words and Wonder at tables B914-B923. I will have copies of all my novels and novellas, my comic book, and several of my recent anthologies.

Sales at our group of tales will be handled by Duncan Books & More, which is a bookstore that sells new signed books as well as used books. Owners Duncan and Andrea Rittschof also run Bookworm Arts, creating whimsical and fun critters, and Rhea Designs creating bold and colorful designs in beads and watercolors offering both bookmarks and jewelry.

Also with us are the following authors:

Terry L. Smith, who calls Phoenix, Arizona home between bouts of wanderlust. Even a stint in the U.S. Air Force, training pilots in enemy radar detection brought her back to the desert. Besides learning to dodge rattlesnakes and bombs, her time in the service taught her to appreciate the military culture and ever-changing technologies. Those experiences help her write strong characters, especially women, holding their own as humanity reaches out into the universe.

Tam Chronin is a figment of the imagination, which might be why she lives there often enough to find her main characters and convince them to share their stories. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her family and beloved pets, including a vicious attack tortoise who guards the back yard.

PJ Hulstrand is the author of 14 books so far. She has also been a book publisher, managing editor for two newspapers, senior designer and a Publishing Specialist. PJ writes Time-Travel Romances and New Adult Paranormal Fiction. She also has an award-winning non-fiction “Media Kits for Authors,” and a little duck children series.

Patrick Tyler writes Sci-Fi and Fantasy with a focus on realism in the world-building and strong, relatable characters.

K.A. Bledsoe’s writing journey began at the age of six with a short story about kids growing up on a space station. Writing has been a constant despite other jobs like scooping ice cream, shoe salesman, pharmacy tech, band director and more. Born, raised, and still residing in Arizona, the author continues to pen stories in all genres despite the distraction of house cats underfoot and the occasional bobcat or roadrunner strolling through the backyard.

Doubleblind and Catherine Lacroix are a pair of award-winning authors who teamed up to create the hit LitRPG, Everyone’s a Catgirl. When they’re not living in Nyarlea, they enjoy hanging with the community, spending time with pets and reading whatever books cross their desks!

Amylynn Bright read her first romance novel in 2008 after being a lifelong literary snob. By the time she was done, she was hooked. Now she pens Regency and contemporary romances that make you laugh. She is an Arizona native and lives in the same house her husband owned before they were married. Amylynn fears she will never call another state home unless someone tells her husband there are forty-nine others to choose from. In reality, she’d settle for a walk-in closet. Her family consists of the aforementioned husband, two beautiful children, two dogs, two cats, some fish, and a hankering for a panda. She’d like it mentioned she’s never been in prison, but we’ll see how the panda thing works out.

If you’re in Phoenix this coming weekend, I hope you’ll stop in and see us at the Artisans of Words and Wonders tables in the Exhibit Hall.

Phoenix Fan Fusion

From Thursday, May 23 through Sunday, May 26, I will be at Phoenix Fan Fusion in Phoenix, Arizona. It is a major pop culture event featuring numerous celebrity guests from television and the movies including such folks as Jeff Goldblum, Paul Reubens, Nichelle Nichols, Catherine Tate and many more. There are also numerous writers and artists from the comic industry, many writers from Arizona and beyond, and a huge dealer floor where you can find toys, videos, comics, books, and much more. You can learn more about the event at:

I will have a table at the Amazing Wykid Writer’s Island in the vendor hall. This group is organized by talented author, artist, and jeweler, Terry L. Smith. She writes mythology/science fiction fusion, sells jewelry to match her books, and now has art. Her paintings continue the theme of space mythology fusion. Also in our group are a wide array of science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and non-fiction writers, artists, and editors such as DuAnn Black, Dr. Bruce C. Davis, Hal C.F. Astell, Deena Remiel, K.C. Klein, Jenn Windrow, Sara Fujimura, J.F. Castillo, The Klute, Ross Caligiuri, Patrick Tylee, Joel Cunningham, Mariann Asinuma, Mark Rude, John B. Newsome III, and David Mogan. I have no doubt if you visit us, you will find a book or some art you will want to take home. Andrea Ritschoff has written a terrific introduction to all the authors and artists of the Amazing Wykid Writers and you can read that at:

You can find the Amazing Wykid Writers in the lower level exhibitor hall at tables A1701 through A1814. If you’re a Star Trek fan, you can probably remember that first table number pretty easily. Here’s a map of the lower level exhibitor hall. We’re the group of tables marked with the red oval.

Of course, Phoenix Fan Fusion is not just about exhibitors. Several of the Amazing Wyked Writers will be on panels over the course of the weekend. I will be on a panel from 1:30-2:30pm on Saturday, May 25 called “Global Warming and the Future World We Build in Books.” Earth is changing, whether we want it to or not. Global Warming is real, as are the consequences. As authors, have we built these changes into the books we’re writing? Probably not. Should we? How might Global Warming actually change Earth beyond what we recognize today? How might it change the populations of our world? Come listen to our authors as they share their insights, professionally and prospectively. On the panel with me are Dr. Bruce Davis, the Klute, Lloyd Pulley, Katie Salidas, and T.L. Smith.

I last had the chance to go to Phoenix Comic Con in 2015. I missed 2016 because I was in Baltimore for the release of the anthology Gaslight and Grimm. My observatory schedule prevented my attendance in 2017, and in 2018 I was attending my daughter’s graduation in New Orleans. So, it’ll be good to be back in Phoenix for Memorial Day weekend. If you’re in town, I hope you’re able to join us!